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Melrose Youth Soccer

Player Eligibility

Melrose Youth Soccer requires that players either live or go to school in Melrose (or have received authorization from Melrose Youth Soccer for extenuating circumstances) so please be sure to enter your player's address and school information accurately. 

During Registration, your player's grade and birth date must be entered accurately. Failure to do so may result in the player not being placed on a team.

Players play in a grouping based on their school grade.  We do not accommodate requests for players to "play up" regardless of how good a player is.  Melrose Youth Soccer is a community-based program and we feel that all players benefit from being with other kids in their grade.  Other organizations may offer more competitive experiences for players who want to play outside of their school grade. 

Please pay attention during the registration process to what you are selecting!  Since the software limits selections based on birth dates and since birth date ranges can overlap across grades, the software may show multiple grades and it is up to parents when registering to be sure to choose the correct grade group.  Also, a player may be eligible for either a City program or a Travel program so be careful to select the one you want. 

And note that players can only play in one program and one grade grouping at a time so please make sure that you are not registering a player for a second registration in the same season.  (Our software does not correctly prevent this and we are hoping that will be fixed some day!) 

Please direct any questions about the above to the Registrar

Player Participation

Please keep in mind that soccer is a team sport and when a player is placed on a team, the team relies upon the player to participate in the team practices and games.  As part of that, a minimum attendance to games and practices is expected; missing more than 2 games or missing more than 50% of practices may mean that you may not be placed on a team in a future.  

In most cases, games will be on Saturdays and during the season, players should do their best to be available.  Kindergarten games may be either morning or afternoon.  Grade 1 games are usually in the afternoon.  Grade 2 games are usually in the morning.  Games for the City Program for Grades 3 through 6 may be any time on Saturdays.  Games for the Travel Program may be any time on Saturdays and occasionally on weekdays with generally half of the games being out of the city.  (Please see the City Program vs Travel Program page for more info.) 

Players should also plan to attend most practices (there are no practices for Kindergarten).  Coaches choose the days and times so the practice schedule won't be known until after teams are formed.  Since our City Program teams are generally based on school affiliation, if a schedule conflict arises after the practice schedule is determined, contact the appropriate grade coordinator to see if there is a team change that would resolve that conflict.  Our Travel Program teams are generally based on competitiveness and there are not usually changes available but you can contact the appropriate travel coordinator to check to see what can be done. 

Refund Policy

The registration fee is not refundable. If circumstances change such that the player can no longer play in the registered season, a credit can be issued for a future season based on the following timetable: A full registration credit is available until the teams are formed; a half credit is available after the teams are formed but before the first team activity (practice or game); no credit is available after the first team activity (practice or game). Note that the date teams are formed is usually shortly after the registration deadline for the division. And note that credits are only available for the registration fees; late fees are not available for credit. Under certain circumstances involving injury or moving out of the city, exceptions can be made by contacting the age director for the division for which the player has registered.  To arrange for a credit, please contact the appropriate coordinator for your player as soon as you are aware of an issue and let them know of the issue.

Contact Us

Melrose Youth Soccer

P.O. Box 761056 
Melrose, Massachusetts 02176

Email: [email protected]

Melrose Youth Soccer

P.O. Box 761056 
Melrose, Massachusetts 02176

Email: [email protected]
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